常見問題Q & A
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1 |
可靠度工程是什麼? What is reliability engineering? |
可靠性工程主要在估計、預防和管理高水平的生命週期工程不確定性和失效風險。 Reliability engineering deals with the estimation, prevention and management of high levels of engineering uncertainty and risks of failure during a project’s lifecycle. |
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可靠度工程研究中心主要的研究領域是什麼? What is the main research focus of the Reliability Center? |
明志科技大學可靠度工程研究中心的成立,旨在提供可靠性工程研究、服務和教育的跨學科資源。主要研究領域為 1.電動車技術與電池 2.機械與轉子智能預診系統 3.醫療儀器與電子元件 4.品質系統與大數據 The establishment of Research Center on Reliability Engineering at MCUT is to provide interdisciplinary resources on research, service, and education in reliability engineering. Special emphasis is put on: 1. Electrical Vehicle and Battery 2. Rotor Intelligent Prognostics 3. Medical Device and Electronics 4. Quality and Big Data Analysis |
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可靠度工程研究中心的研發團隊規模? How many members are there in the Reliability Center? |
中心團隊有10多位校內核心研發教師之外,還有國內外教授、學者及數名博士後研究員和工程師。 The center's research and development team consist not only of over 10 core research faculty members from within the university but also includes professors and scholars from both domestic and international institutions, as well as postdoc and engineers. |
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可靠度工程研究中心有哪些研究設備? What equipment does the Reliability Center have? |
轉子設備、半導體參數分析儀、電池充放電機、數位顯微鏡、傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀、熱阻量測系統、熱阻量測增壓穩壓系統、手套箱、探針顯微鏡、波顯微鏡等 The center provides the following equipment: rotor prognosis, electrical measurement system, battery tester, high magnification 3D confocal microscope, ATR-FTIR, thermal scanning system, thermal resistance measurement system, glove box with gas purification system, AFM-Raman, acoustic microscope and etc. |
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可靠度工程研究中心與哪些企業或機構有合作關係? Which companies or institutions does the Reliability Center cooperate with? |
中心主要與台塑相關企業合作,另有電子、機械製造業等多家廠商。 The main partners of the center is Formosa Plastics Group, plus many other manufacturers in the electronics and mechanical industries. |
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欲使用研究中心貴重儀器需要什麼申請程序? What is the application procedure for using high-value instruments at the research center? |
請先與儀器設備負責老師聯繫,再上中心網站填寫預約表格。 Please contact the teacher in charge of the equipment and then fill out the reservation form on the Center’s website. |
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欲委託量測服務需要如何預約? How can I make a reservation for measurement services? |
請先與儀器設備負責老師聯繫,再請研究中心窗口(#7201)安排。 Please contact the teacher in charge of the equipment and then call the Instrument Service Desk of Reliability Center to make a reservation at (02)2908-9899 ext. 7201 |
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可靠度工程研究中心有工讀實習的機會嗎? Does the Reliability Center have work-study internship opportunities? |
中心每年有1~2個工讀實習名額。 The Reliability Center provides 1~2 work-study internship positions every year. |
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可靠度工程研究中心位置及服務時間? Where is the Center for Reliability Engineering located and what are its service hours? |
中心位於明志科技大學綠能大樓3F,服務時間為8:00-17:00. The center is located on the 3rd floor of the Green Battery Building at MCUT. It’s service hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. |
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如何聯繫可靠度工程研究中心? How do I contact the Reliability Center? |
電話:02-2908-9899 分機 7200 傳真:02-2908-8806 E-mail:emmy@mail.mcut.edu.tw 中心位置:24301新北市泰山區工專路84號 TEL:886-2-2908-9899 ext.7200 FAX:886-2-2908-8806 E-mail:emmy@mail.mcut.edu.tw Address:84 Gungjuan Rd., Taishan Dist. New Taipei City 243303, Taiwan |